Monday 9 September 2013

Pure Survival

Well... we survived the first week (maybe having to rely on a few drinks over the weekend) and we're into week 2!!

Conveyancing wasn't exactly worth writing "home" about on Friday so a blog post would not have been the least bit entertaining - thus my decision to wait until today to play a little catch-up.

This goes for both my blog and my work - which most people in the course seem to feel is a vicious cycle... its like you're drowning and as soon as you get to the top, more water is dumped on us!

Unfortunately, there are only so many hours in the day to attend lectures and complete the hours and hours of reading required on a daily basis.  The amount of material is so condensed, it seems that we are only getting blanket concepts of each topic - which for most lawyers is frustrating because we are of the character that likes to know the inner workings and details of everything!

Its like a classroom full of elementary school students - Why? Why? Why?

But the only response we get is the typical "lawyer" answer - "It depends". Argggggghhh!!!!

If only my ADD wasn't in full-force preventing me from being able to sit down and power through these readings.  Now I know why they started us off with a guest lecturer from LAP! PLTC is the reason why this organization was created!

Or maybe the purpose of PLTC was to reduce the number of lawyers going into the profession. It is the collaborative scheme of the legal community and based on pure economics - less supply, more demand! Genius!

Well, we finished conveyancing today and moved onto a drafting assignment. I think this may warrant greater interest and a much better reason to write in this blog.

That, or I will turn the blog into a PLTC Gossip Column as suggested by one of my classmates and tell stories about the awesome, yet embarrassing, moments of people in PLTC...

Who's next!?

You'll have to wait and see what tomorrow brings...

Until then, Love, Me.

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