Sunday 8 December 2013

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!


Finally after the 359th check of my grades, they were finally posted and I "passed" them all! The Law Gods were kind to me this time!

I have decided to abandon this blog, as PLTC is sadly over (or luckily over…yes luck) and start a new one. Stay tuned for my new blog documenting my journey as a young female lawyer in a male-dominated world full of sex scandals, money, and winning at all costs (just like Suites right?!?).  Thanks to those who read my quirky blog during PLTC and I hope you keep posted on what's coming next! :)

P.S. Passing the bar is not to become a bartender (Thank you 99% of the people who found out I passed the bar).  Honest mistake…I bartender for five years. ;)


I know I have neglected this blog in the past month and I am sorry.  The course finished and the pressure was on full force.  It was do-or-die time and I was trying not to die.

Complaining aside, the final assessment and two exams came and went and now here we are - waiting...

To most people, when I tell them how brutal it is waiting to get results back, they look at me like, "woaaah first world problems". But it is truly torture! Our fate is on the line at this point - our reputation, our pride, our confidence in the profession we chose, and of course our own type-A, perfectionist, all-or-nothing personalities really top off the anxiety we are all feeling right now.

I must say, the first exam went okay - not great - but okay.  The second one, Hallelujah if I squeak by... holy smokes that was not fun.  It pretty much solidified my decision to be a solicitor, though (looking at the positive - if any).

When I expressed to my principal my fear of failing the second exam, all he did was play his imaginary violin... no sympathy folks.  And they wonder why most people in this profession experience mental health problems.  The sad thing is, that is probably me in 20 years... *sigh*

I vowed to myself this week that I will never marry a lawyer.  Imagine two people like me together...I shudder thinking about the chaos.  How uptight, combative, straight-forward, and judgmental would our kids be?? (in addition to beautiful, smart, witty, funny, and rich of course). Just a little tangent.. as per usual.

Anyways, soon I will find out if I get to celebrate or start looking for another job in May...

Thursday 24 October 2013

Collaboration and Inspiration

On the home stretch with 12 days and one more assessment until exam time! (now would be a good time to change your underpants...)

Don't panic and don't forget...

Although the course wasn't perfect, the people at PLTC made up for what it left to be desired.

I find myself very observant (when I want to be) and while observing my class for the past 9 weeks, I have noticed the strong comradery that has developed.  Looking back to the first day, we were all a little bit shy, anxious, nervous, and excited to start PLTC.  It took a mere day to realize how awful it may actually be and how all we had was our classmates.  We became very close very quickly as we shared notes and complained about the assignments, readings, and upcoming assessments and exams.  It wasn't until last week that I really saw a more professional bond and mutual respect start to form.  As we got to know each other, we learned who in the class specialized in what area of law, each of our experiences, and specific topics of interest and knowledge.  Given that, when anyone had a question or concern about an area of law, we would turn to the person we knew had the most knowledge in that area.  Rather than pretend to be "better" or superior to our classmates, we recognized that each of us had an area of expertise and we utilized these people in order to grow and learn ourselves.

For example:

During the lecture on financial statements and corporate taxes, the whole class voted Chris Thompson, a highly intelligent man with experience as a financial advisor and now articling student at Thorsteinssons, to take over the lecture and teach our class.  When we did client interviews on family law, our class relied on the experience and knowledge of Sarah Webber and Celina Meghji who have been articling for over 8 months with family law firms.  This sort of collaboration happens on the daily.  It is so inspirational to see the support between the class members and soon to be lawyers.  Although the world of law is competitive, I hope that we are able to maintain the alliances we have all made at PLTC and continue to support each other throughout our long and prosperous careers.

Tomorrow is the last lecture and the last time we get to make fun of our professor for falling asleep or some of the class mates for asking absolutely rediculous questions or for Ben coming to class late AGAIN!

It is also the last chance for secret crushes to be revealed...yes I said it...there are a few! PLTC is like high-school all over again so we may as well take advantage of this last day, because next step, Adulthood!

Sweet Dreams.

Love, Me.

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Shout out to Kamlooooops!

Happy Hump Day Everyone!

I'd like to begin by saying that the family lawyer who spoke to us today made a huge shout out to Kamloops for their "collegial lawyers" and his "excellent legal experience" working there before moving to Vancouver.

I am very proud to say that I article in Kamloops.  I feel confident that I have, and will continue to gain, the skills and knowledge required to face any "big city" counsel in the courtroom or across the negotiating table.

*Feeling Excited*

Family law got even more exciting today when the lecturer told a story about one of his clients.

A client came in and told him that he wanted to get a divorce.  When the lawyer asked what was going on in their relationship, the client answered, "She does not agree with my lifestyle choices."

Well, the lawyer thought that his client was going to say that he was gay and that his wife was not okay with him expressing his sexuality.  The lawyer was terribly wrong.  The client said that he was a "furry". A what?!?!

The whole class erupted into laughter, but I had no clue what was going on.  I learned the term "furry", which for those of you who don't know, is NOT a term you'd think in the traditional sense...

Furry is a person who likes to dress up in furry animal suits/costumes and go out with their friends who are also Furries... (I still think that this is a sick joke...)

Apparently this client also liked to dress up in furry animal attire in the bedroom.  Hmmmm... I love animals but I would have to agree with the wife on this one. #weirdo

I really don't think I can top that today so I'm signing out.

Love, Me.

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Nobody Gets Ma Secret Sauce!


A top solicitor from Fasken Martineau LLP (identity protected) came into class last week to speak to us about buying and selling businesses.  He has a unique practice which includes start-ups, hostile meetings between companies, and commercial real estate.  Little to say, I was in solicitor heaven!  I may or may not have been that huge dork in the class staring at him, wide-eyed, trying to absorb as much knowledge as I could in the short one-hour period.

He spoke about the importance of confidentiality clauses when negotiating a sale and made it very clear (more than..twice) that, "Nobody wants to give away their secret sauce" and that your client will say to you, "I want you to tie them up, but I want to be able to walk."

Secret sauce and tieing up... say whaaaat?!?

This guy is wild!

All jokes aside...his intelligence, air of confidence and stories about his many multi-million dollar deals put stars in all of our eyes and he soon became my idol.  I caught myself daydreaming about being the new lead on an episode of Suites and quickly came back to reality when our prof chimed in, "This is all examinable so pay attention!"

Damnit! For a brief moment I forgot about those darn exams!

PLTC in a nutshell...

Assessment, study, assessment, study, assessment, study, assessment, study, exam, study, exam.

Thanksgiving weekend was consumed with writing our opinion letter assessment... So. Much. FUN!  I think we were all lucky enough to get turkey dinner though and one (or one too many) drink(s).  The opinion letters were sent in this morning (by most of us) and please cross your fingers for us, especially since I was 600 words over.  We all know I have LOTS to say! I justify it by saying that I was being "thorough"... :)

This week is all about family law.  This is how I feel when the prof starts talking about the status quo (something I have been challenging since birth).


I am actually being melodramatic (shocker..) because I find family law very interesting.  There are so many juicy issues in family law! In particular, where the parties are in business together or have blended families - its like a soap opra.

PLTC also has its own drama. Imagine getting 120, 20-30 year olds together for a 10-week period of time in Vancouver. That spells trouble.

More to come about the love triangles, personality conflicts, and individual strategies happening at PLTC after the weekend, when hopefully there will be a few of us getting together to "study".

Have a great "short" week!

Love, Me.

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Letters of Intent...

A letter of intent is like dating...

"You like me, and I like you and we can date, but that doesn't mean we are in a monogamous, 'binding' relationship".

- Speaker for lecture on "Agreement of Purchase and Sale of a Business"

My first question, "How many letters of intent can you enter into at the same time?"

Did I say that?!? Shocker I know.

Moving on...

In the first week of PLTC they taught us the importance of mental and physical health.  Without being mentally and physically strong, our work as lawyers will be drastically affected and we will be unable to serve the community to the best of our ability. That is almost a direct quote. So, I took this as the golden rule and used this to justify (because lawyers - and women - can justify ANYTHING!) attending class after the morning lecture...

I woke up at 8:30 and went for a 45 minute run by the ocean.  The sun was shining and the sky was blue. My whole day changed because of my choice to take an hour "mental holiday".  I still can't wipe the smile off my face and I feel recharged, motivated, and happy.  I have a study date after class and feel as if I can conquer all!

Here is the video of my run this morning. I hope you watch it and can share in my moment of peace...My "Happy Place". :)

Being a lawyer - or any career for that matter - is just one piece of (our) lives.  Although my passion for helping others, joy of arguing the law, and excitement to be a part of such a highly respected profession makes me who I am, it is still a job.  Other things in life must be taken into consideration and I am ecstatic about my choice for betterment this morning!!

For everyone, I hope you take a moment for yourself today.

Sunday 6 October 2013

Breathe in, hold, Breathe out. Repeat.

Finding one's "happy place" is sometimes like trying to find gold at the end of a rainbow.

A friend of mine in PLTC was having a bit of a moment the other day. She was overwhelmed with the course work and assessments and realizing (the same thing as everyone else) that PLTC is like the LSAT, a mental game.  If you can outsmart the game then you win.  Anyways, I told her one thing: Breathe.  It makes everything come together for a moment of pure simplicity.  Doing the thing that comes naturally and easily to you. Its like a wave of serenity washes over and life stops for a moment. That is one's "happy place".

I think throughout the crazy, driven, "need to be the best" type of world we live in, its so easy to get caught up in the rat race and forget to smell the flowers.  I have been filled with anxiety from looking so far into the future and trying to plan and design my whole life that I got lost.  Its so easy to slip back into this mentality even after you think you have everything under control (like right this second, until an hour from now, I realize how much I have to do for tomorrow and the cycle begins).


PLTC is a challenge, it truly is, but I'm beginning to see that this is the point... Are you ready for the world of being a lawyer? Can you find your happy place amidst the client calls, court appearances, hours and hours of overtime, working weekends, and balancing all of that with the everyday challenges of life?  If you can't then maybe working as a traditional lawyer is not for you. And that's not a bad thing. There are many professions that require a background in law that may not necessarily be working in private practice. Who knows! But all I know, is that getting this sh*t done and getting called to the bar will be worth every tear, lost hair, and wrinkle that I get from this damn journey!

With regard to last weeks' assessments: Cheers to us! I know that there was an air of disappointment and worry, but these damn things are so subjective and it wasn't even a real judge! What we must remember is even if we enter ten different courtrooms with ten different judges and the same issue, we may get a completely different ruling.  That's the reality of having one person (or a group of people) interpret the law and apply it to the facts.  

Why do you think we have a Court of Appeal and a Supreme Court!?

Get some rest on this beautiful Sunday! Sun shining and spirits up.

Love: Me