Sunday, 6 October 2013

Breathe in, hold, Breathe out. Repeat.

Finding one's "happy place" is sometimes like trying to find gold at the end of a rainbow.

A friend of mine in PLTC was having a bit of a moment the other day. She was overwhelmed with the course work and assessments and realizing (the same thing as everyone else) that PLTC is like the LSAT, a mental game.  If you can outsmart the game then you win.  Anyways, I told her one thing: Breathe.  It makes everything come together for a moment of pure simplicity.  Doing the thing that comes naturally and easily to you. Its like a wave of serenity washes over and life stops for a moment. That is one's "happy place".

I think throughout the crazy, driven, "need to be the best" type of world we live in, its so easy to get caught up in the rat race and forget to smell the flowers.  I have been filled with anxiety from looking so far into the future and trying to plan and design my whole life that I got lost.  Its so easy to slip back into this mentality even after you think you have everything under control (like right this second, until an hour from now, I realize how much I have to do for tomorrow and the cycle begins).


PLTC is a challenge, it truly is, but I'm beginning to see that this is the point... Are you ready for the world of being a lawyer? Can you find your happy place amidst the client calls, court appearances, hours and hours of overtime, working weekends, and balancing all of that with the everyday challenges of life?  If you can't then maybe working as a traditional lawyer is not for you. And that's not a bad thing. There are many professions that require a background in law that may not necessarily be working in private practice. Who knows! But all I know, is that getting this sh*t done and getting called to the bar will be worth every tear, lost hair, and wrinkle that I get from this damn journey!

With regard to last weeks' assessments: Cheers to us! I know that there was an air of disappointment and worry, but these damn things are so subjective and it wasn't even a real judge! What we must remember is even if we enter ten different courtrooms with ten different judges and the same issue, we may get a completely different ruling.  That's the reality of having one person (or a group of people) interpret the law and apply it to the facts.  

Why do you think we have a Court of Appeal and a Supreme Court!?

Get some rest on this beautiful Sunday! Sun shining and spirits up.

Love: Me

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