Wednesday 4 September 2013


First day of PLTC and it a first day.

You see the crowd of eager students filing into the Law Society building and up the stairs to registration - some dragging their feet and some wide-eyed and bushy tailed.  There are the "too-cool" students and the ones who just feel lost and nervous. Then you get the old friends reuniting and its easy to point out the colleagues from the big Vancouver firms, shaking hands, and talking about their summer articles.

Even as capable, intelligent, mature adults - we all feel like children.

Its quite the sight to see - all these wanna-be's starting one of the last requirements until becoming the big-shot lawyer and making their families proud. Excitement and fear fills the air

The morning session was pretty relaxed - introductions as per usualy whereby the teacher pronounces half the students' names wrong and the course expectations are outlined to instil a little scare into the students. Pretty standard stuff.

Lunch was the best part! A few of us went into Yaletown, had a beer, and chatted about what the next ten weeks would be like - already planning the weekend festivities, but nervous about the work-load and the dreaded exams.

The afternoon session consisted of a guest speaker named Meghan from the Courthouse Library.  She was full of ENERGY to say the least!!! Woooooo LEGAL RESEARCH ROCKS! (you can imagine what she was like).  It was totally helpful and gave all the students some tips on legal research and tonnes of resources to use throughout the course and afterwards in practice.

We picked up our box of books at the end which was a big "weight" on our shoulders for the first day - literally 15 lbs!!

I got a cute guy to carry them to my car and we launched onto the streets of Vancouver exploring the city and chatting about the future.

The readings were daunting and so, of course, I left them until 8pm... Bad Call!

Lesson learned for the rest of the course - maybe leave "exploring" until the weekend. :)

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