Sunday, 8 December 2013

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!


Finally after the 359th check of my grades, they were finally posted and I "passed" them all! The Law Gods were kind to me this time!

I have decided to abandon this blog, as PLTC is sadly over (or luckily over…yes luck) and start a new one. Stay tuned for my new blog documenting my journey as a young female lawyer in a male-dominated world full of sex scandals, money, and winning at all costs (just like Suites right?!?).  Thanks to those who read my quirky blog during PLTC and I hope you keep posted on what's coming next! :)

P.S. Passing the bar is not to become a bartender (Thank you 99% of the people who found out I passed the bar).  Honest mistake…I bartender for five years. ;)


I know I have neglected this blog in the past month and I am sorry.  The course finished and the pressure was on full force.  It was do-or-die time and I was trying not to die.

Complaining aside, the final assessment and two exams came and went and now here we are - waiting...

To most people, when I tell them how brutal it is waiting to get results back, they look at me like, "woaaah first world problems". But it is truly torture! Our fate is on the line at this point - our reputation, our pride, our confidence in the profession we chose, and of course our own type-A, perfectionist, all-or-nothing personalities really top off the anxiety we are all feeling right now.

I must say, the first exam went okay - not great - but okay.  The second one, Hallelujah if I squeak by... holy smokes that was not fun.  It pretty much solidified my decision to be a solicitor, though (looking at the positive - if any).

When I expressed to my principal my fear of failing the second exam, all he did was play his imaginary violin... no sympathy folks.  And they wonder why most people in this profession experience mental health problems.  The sad thing is, that is probably me in 20 years... *sigh*

I vowed to myself this week that I will never marry a lawyer.  Imagine two people like me together...I shudder thinking about the chaos.  How uptight, combative, straight-forward, and judgmental would our kids be?? (in addition to beautiful, smart, witty, funny, and rich of course). Just a little tangent.. as per usual.

Anyways, soon I will find out if I get to celebrate or start looking for another job in May...